What is Mineral Sand?

Heavy Mineral Sands (HMS), are deposits of sands containing concentrations of different types of minerals, in BWA’s case particularly rutile, zircon, imenite, kyanite, garnet.

  • Natural rutile is the rarest, highest grade and highest value titanium mineral. It is the cleanest, purest form of titanium dioxide. Natural Rutile has a far lower carbon footprint: it is favoured by pigment producers over higher energy and carbon intensive “upgraded” titanium feed-stocks such as synthetic rutile or titanium slag
  • Titanium pigment imparts whiteness, is UV resistant and inert. There are long term deficits for chloride pigment feedstocks, which underpin strong outlook for rutile and chloride ilmenite. China chloride pigment consumption increasing, driven by higher environmental standards and technology advancement
  • Zircon is resistant to water, chemicals, heat and abrasion. The annual global market is 1.1mn tonnes, dominated by China consumption with 47% and Iluka is most influential in establishing benchmark prices.

Markets and uses for Mineral Sands

  • Mineral Sands have an increasing industrial use as part of consumer goods as pigment for paint, paper and plastics
  • Also used in ceramics, tiles, homewares and refractories
  • Wide range of industrial, commercial, electrical and scientific applications 
  • Market opportunity in building, construction, electric automotive and aerospace industries (Source: Global Rutile Market (2021 to 2026)

Rutile - A Scarce Commodity

  • Natural rutile is the rarest, highest grade and highest value titanium mineral
  • Natural rutile is the cleanest, purest form of titanium dioxide. Natural Rutile has a far lower carbon footprint: it is favoured by pigment producers over higher energy and carbon intensive “upgraded” titanium feed-stocks such as synthetic rutile or titanium slag
  • Increasing use of rutile as a large band-gap semiconductor is likely to act as an opportunity for the market studied in the coming years

Titanium Minerals and Zircon

  • Most of titanium minerals are sold as pigments and paints, but also growing market in metals and welding products
  • Titanium ore market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7% in the coming years
  • Growing zircon demand for industries in consumer electronics
  • Over 50% of zircon supplied to the market is used in production of ceramics.