BWA Assets in Canada

BWA acquired Kings of the North Corp, a Canadian exploration company, in 2019, with two licence groups in Isoukustouc and Winterhouse, Quebec.

The KOTN projects are considered early exploration stage, prospective for structurally controlled gold-silver (Winterhouse), and intrusion related copper-nickel-cobalt (Isoukustouc).

In the 2024 field season, BWA/KOTN will focus on field work within both areas, to define drill-ready targets for the 2025 summer drilling season through mapping and additional surface sampling and target generation.

Winterhouse Project

The Winterhouse gold property can be found at the eastern edge of the Archean Opatica Geological Sub-Province, located in the northeastern region of Quebec, Canada. The property itself, is situated around 95 km west of Fermont (Figure 1) and 385 km north of Baie-Comeau. The Winterhouse licence group now consists of 90 claims totalling 4,703 hectares (47 km2)/

The licence area is highly prospective for Archean greenstone-hosted gold and base metals, with several gold anomalies within, and high-grade occurrences and good drill intersections from Stelmine’s Courcy project, contiguously to the south and west of the property.

KOTN have increased their landholding across prospective terrains at their Winterhouse licence group by the recent granting of 27 new claims for an additional 14 km2. The mixture of contiguous and non-contiguous claims now totals 90 claims for 47 km2 and surrounds the existing landholding. Furthermore, they are between and adjacent to Stelmine’s Courcy project claims, which border the Winterhouse property.

Significant historic gold values have been reported at Winterhouse and these vary from 0.1 to 1.7 g/t Au from 12 rock samples taken on two main gold areas located each on different large geophysical anomalies, located in the northern half part of the property (Figure 3). The adjacent Stelmine property has numerous rock samples with a high of 24.8 g/t Au and 1.2% Cu (2017) taken on a similar N-S trending 2.5 km2 mineralised zone.

Isoukustouc Project

BWA acquired the Isoukustouc claims as part of the purchase of the KOTN company.  The Isoukustouc claims group is in the North-Shore of the St-Lawrence River, Baie Comeau and <10 km to the NE of the Manic-3 hydro station and consists of 30 claims totalling 16.5 km2.

Recent field mapping found trace sulphide mineralisation in most areas. Samples returned anomalous copper, nickel, cobalt, magnesium, silver and elevated strontium. Additionally, samples taken from the B-40 S location returned elevated values for strontium and titanium. These will be investigated further to understand their significance.

The BWA Isoukustouc licence is within the Grenville Geological Province. Its is surrounded by Rio Tinto licences who are actively and aggressively exploring the region.

The mineralisation model type is an intrusion-related Ni-Cu(-PGE) sulphide deposit, with a recent potential addition of magmatic intrusion-related lithium. Several Ni-Cu-PGE occurrences have been uncovered during recently in the Grenville Province, including the Cu-Ni mineralisation associated with mafic intrusions of the Lac Volant Occurrence in the Matamec Complex.

Three samples showed anomalous results for nickel, copper, and cobalt. Additionally, three samples exhibited elevated values for strontium and titanium.


In 2019 BWA acquired Kings of the North Corp (KOTN)

A Canadian exploration company, with two licence groups from St Georges-Eco-Mining Corp (St-Georges)

Two Licence Groups (Isoukustouc and Winterhouse)

These were valued by SRK UK as part of 2019 valuation study at CAD$2.46M (circa GBP£1.42M based on exchange rates 4th July 2024)

Desktop Data Review

Project data acquisition, compilation and technical report review

2022 Rio Tinto Exploration Land Acquisition

RTX acquire large landholding surrounding KOTN Isoukustouc claims.  RTX complete airborne geophysical surveys

2023 Field Visits

BWA/KOTN complete field visit, target inspection and rock chip sampling at Isoukustouc.

2024 New Claim Acquisition

27 new contiguous claims acquired across prospective stratigraphy at Winterhouse


Next Steps (2024 field season)

  • Winterhouse initial prospecting/target inspection field visit (mapping/sampling)
  • Isoukustouc follow up mapping and sampling programme

(Please click on any image to enlarge)

Maps and Graphs

Field Images
